Comments by Pat Gibson after titles with mine in [square brackets].
Australian Post-Punk Archives #10
01. A Cloakroom Assembly / [Unknown] 03:04
02. A Cloakroom Assembly / Lost Rites 04:12
This is a dub of a song that it seems I used to have a mix of with vocals
- lost due to my own carelessness in this case, and the more infuriating
for it. Russell Hanley from Popular Mechanics / Doublethink loaned us an
electric organ and we made the most of it - everything organic comes from
his kindness.
03. A Volatile T-Shirt / Making Babies In Heaven 04:10
A superimposition of loops, one made by recording the toilet roll holder
being struck with the bit of metal that held the toilet roll, and some
judicious use of vari-speed. One of the loveliest things ever recorded.
04. EST / For You 04:32
From a session Martin Ferguson, aka Mr EST, recorded at M2 for, I think, a
proposed album.
05. Height-Dismay / Blood Pressure In The Sand 03:42
06. Height-Dismay / Cow Cow Boogie 03:02
This definitely wass for consideration re the B Selection project. Malcolm
Macallum from Terminal Twist played piano, drums too very likely, the
guitarist's name is unfortunately no longer remembered, although I love
the sound he had, simple as it was. Dru, myself, Scott Holmes from the
Same on vox; Think the Andrew Sisters recorded this if not originally then
at some point.
07. Height-Dismay / Dusk 01:51
This, along with the Morton Taylor track [below], were submitted to Fast
Forward, the most prominent of those cutting edge cassette magazines of
the time and, with all due respect, it's lucky we have a copy of these
items because as far as I know, every copy of the issue these appeared on
is unplayable - a kind of cassette specific ebola. Including more of the
wok, more of Prowse on clarinet and perhaps guitar. Too good to
heamorrhage on iron oxide.
08. Height-Dismay / The Girl From Ipaneema 02:08
Appeared on Growing Pains, the first M2 sampler. Dru on vox and vacuum
cleaner. Hey Bunny Ma? Why not? And a hey nonny nonny... [I called this
Hey Bunny Ma on the first cd I sent back to Pat on this for some unknown
09. Height-Dismay / The Tinning Test 04:58
This was a collaboration between Dru on vocals, me on ponderous synth bass
and Michael Prowse on drums, clarinet and cod trumpet. At some stage we
enjoyed an afternoon of sonic exploration with a wok, some rice and a
contact mic. A toungue-in-cheek response to the fever of white female rap
at the time Ie that Debbie Harry song [Atomic, probably], and as far as
I'm concerned there's no reason why it shouldn;t be called AS1125,
refering to an Australian Standards document regarding. what else? The
Tinning Test.
Jonathon Dunshae
10. A Minute Later The Judge Fell Over 06:10
11. Radio Ussachevsky 01:51
12. The Pale Female Put Her Finger In The Air 06:26
JD was myself and Martin Farrington one Saturday afternoon with two rickety (even then) Roland synths
- a 101 and an SH something (rickety memory) through guitar amps. No guitars were used in these recordings, although there was some obvious lyre-birding. The Judge and The Pale Female, although recorded 10 years later than anything comparable (whatever that might've been, krautrock?), and sounding like outtakes that may only have been released now, if ever, and it could just be creators pride, but I'll stand by them as worthwhile additions to ...something. 'A minute later' references my fascination with the guitar solo from This
Heat's 'The Fall of Saigon'; Radio Ussachevsky is, I think, beautiful in its own right, and
wasn't always called this, but is now, in hommage to one of the Columbia Princeton founders. Jonathan Dunshae was one of Martin's pupils, and it was his work
- titled drawings, I think - which inspired us. The Judge and The Pale Female both appeared on More Songs that
will Never Be Released, a cassette sampler c.1980
13. M Squared / Hello Terse 02:36
Tom Ellard and I had been corresponding on and off for a while prior to
this, and Scattered Order were gathered together one -Saturday morning?
-and recorded this, which was a kind of friendly gauntlet returned in kind
by Terse, which can be heard on the More Songs cassette. Later, they went
one better and left a pig's head on our doorstep, amidst some
consternation, but it was all part of the jolly fun of those days.
14. M Squared / Radio Darlo Ad Spots 00:49
Roger Grierson, Thought Criminal and Doublethinker par excellence, who
introduced me to the folks at M2, came around one day to record spots for
a programme he -or someone in 1980 -was doing on 2SER, Radio Darlinghurst.
Quaint beyond the point of nostalgia.
15. Morton Taylor / Blank Wrap 03:19
This is Prowse, a clarinet, an acoustic guitar and a home made ring
16. Pel Mel / Don't Come Looking (rough mix) 04:36
17. Pleasant Peasants / Avant Garde C&W 03:27
18. Pleasant Peasants / Drunk Mongoloids 02:47
Some blues derived organ progression made still more turgid by being
played at 1/2 speed and revitalised by poor improvisation on a recorder.
It may be out of date as far as nomenclature goes, but intoxicated
sufferers of Down's syndrome doesn't quite capture it, and indeed is quite
19. Pleasant Peasants / Iranian Rockabilly 01:48
Same stupid recorder, same stupid blues derived progression this time with
lyrics: "Uh 300 people in Tehran / Muslim's Islam rock roll bands /
Uh there's 300 people in Tehran / partisans of gos throwin' shit at the
fan / and they rock and roll / etc / rockin and rollin / rockin and reelin
/ 300 people gettin the feelin / rockin in the daytime / rockin at night /
300 people feelin alright / repeat to fad. I still love this song.
20. Pleasant Peasants / Paint It Black (outtake) 05:02
21. Pleasant Peasants / Pussman Polka 02:32