No Night Sweats N o  N i g h t  S w e a t s No Night Sweats
Sydney's Post-Punk Bands
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[ Voigt/465 Radiators review ]

This is a review of a very early version of the band from Autopsy fanzine Issue #1
by David Fagan - who became a fan and friend.

Voigt/465 Radiators  Macquarie University Union  March 1st, 1978

Definitely not your average rock and roll band this group. Whilst they have been influenced by and like a lot of the new wave (they confess to being addicted Birdies fans), their music is quite defintely AVANT-GARDE in the Euro-rock mode, as they do covers by Can and Soft Machine and admit to being influenced by people as diverse as Henry Cow and David Bowie, and Faust and Television. They started off sluggishly with their small audience, but warmed up at the end with a good cover of "I Wanna Be You Dog" and an original called "The Old Endicott building". They didn't have a P.A. and weren't that pleased with the show, but they've already got a semi-decent stage precense, with bass player Lindsay O'Meara stealing the scene. They're not your usual rock and roll, but they mean business, and if you ever hear of them giging about then try and catch up with them. OK!!

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