[ Now, Where the Hell
Did I Put That Thing? ]
Well, It HAS been a long time
but, I'll tell ya straight, that things have gotten on top of me lately
- work pressures (both mine
and Annette's) [big sigh and ahhhh]
- a freaky '300 year' flood
in the area of my home
- little doggy Wanda being
attacked and almost 'deaded'
- somewhat of a feeling of
total inertia in both body and soul
Some salient points from these
feisty (or otherwise) events :
- there is absoultely NO point
in standing in the type of rain that Noah waded through (outfitted, by
the way, in a bath robe, Blundstones, bouffant-ish just slept in hair and
a bloody small umbrella) trying to shovel water away from the very large
pools of water which have formed in the back yard whilst (a) the rain continues
to fall like it never has before and (b) the accumulated run off from 2
other back yards shoots into these damned pools via a foot high 90 kmp
- if you like 'em in the first
place, dogs are precious (and they heal real quick - what a boon to canine
lovers the world over)
- inertia can be used to start
a steam roller on an unerring crash course through a life (oooh - deep)
Some not so salient points from
these reactions and other things (if you can stand it at all) :
- always listen to music as
if you knew you were going to become deaf within the hour (especially Elliot
Smith and John Greaves)
- don't live next to a stream
and/or viaduct and/or anything else vaguely to do with water (2 streets
away from my dry home is a house that was invaded by a metre high wave
of mud - quess what? no insurance)
- if you get savaged by a guard
dog then you'll most likely have an open wound that heals over two weeks
by the use of a piece of gauze stuffed up it - YUK
Finally :
- spend a leasurely luncheon
at the MCA's Fish Cafe (the redfish with lemon, olive and parsley 'salad'
is particularly good at the moment) after perusing the bits of the Biennale
that are installed there (some good, mostly only OK)